The Superior A's
An active Model A Ford club located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
October 25, 2022
October 2022 Meeting Minutes President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum. There were 21 members present. Four of the members brought their A’s. Treasurer’s ReportREMINDER-DUES FOR 2023 ARE $15. Jim P. gave the report showing checking and savings balances. Jim also reported having some money received in dues that had to be deposited. A motion to accept this report was made by Dennis Sip. and seconded by Dave O. Motion carried. Old BusinessPresident Steve brought up his disagreement with the results of the membership’s vote, from a few years ago, on how to honor the Model “A” brothers and sisters who have passed.After discussion, Norm J. made a motion to get the officers together to discuss the issue before the January meeting. Sam W. seconded this motion and it carried. New BusinessSteve recognized Keith J’s “A” Tip in the “Model A News”. Steve brought up the MARC National Tour recently held from the Island Resort and Casino. Jim P. mentioned that he and Vivian had taken their “A” for a ride down there to check it out. President Steve requested stamps and envelopes from the club to be used in contacting members who have dropped from the club. Jim M. made a motion to approve Steve taking one roll ofstamps and the necessary envelopes to be used in contacting past members and inviting them back. Russ W. seconded this motion. Motion carried. Wes H. recommended asking them why they dropped their membership in this communication. DiscussionJim P. brought in a bunch of paint stir sticks which can be used as a fuel level check.Dave O. made a motion to adjourn at 7:07. Rod S. seconded this motion and it carried. Next MeetingJanuary 31 st with the location TBD.
September 27, 2022
September 2022 Meeting Minutes(Thanks to Clayton J. for taking the minutes)
Vice President Norm J. called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. There were 25 members present.
Treasurer Jim P. reported that, after paying the bills, the club has some money left in savings and in checking.A motion to accept this report was made by Art G. and seconded by Joe S. This motion carried.REMINDER Dues for 2023 are $15.
Old BusinessAs previously decided the Second Tuesday ride will be to Michigamme, leaving Al Quaal at 1:00 P.M. Reminder-If you are looking for any information/articles on the Model A, Keith J. is still maintaining the library for the club. Norm J. asks if there is any interest in getting any clothing or decals with the club logo or name on them. Norm J. mentioned that he would be open to a work bee on his truck at any time.
New BusinessIn Steve’s absence, Norm asked if there was any interest in having a calendar made with our cars. There was some discussion on this and the club was asked to “think about it” and the subject will be revisited.An election of officers was brought up. Please consider a position.
DiscussionJohn W. mentioned having 3 flat tires on his radials caused by the little square sticker attached to the inside of most, if not all, tires. This sticker is sharp and cuts the tube. I have learned this lesson myself, the hard way.
Many members brought up memories of past rides in their A’s.Jim P. received a letter from MARC listing new members and asked clubs to reach out to them. Jim recommends that our club reach out to new members if they are inour area.Bob S. volunteered to contact Westwood School in the spring to see if there was any interest in having us bring the A’s there again.Rudy M. brought fuel level measuring sticks to pass out to the members. Thank you Rudy!Jim P. shared that Rudy has recently passed the first round of his medical boards. Congratulations Rudy!Jim Ma. mentioned that a committee has been formed to try to save Alberta. (Michigan, that is)Motion to adjourn by Jim Ma. and seconded by many members.The next meeting will be 6:00, October 25 th at the CliffsShaft Museum.
August 30, 2022
August 2022 Meeting Minutes
(Thanks to Rudy Mosca for taking the minutes)
6:10pm Meeting called to order by President Steve P. at 6:10pm at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 15 Model As and 27 members present.
Treasurer Jim P. reported the only change from the previous month was a check to Globe Printing to include business cards and the usual newsletter costs. Motion to accept made by Curt J. and seconded by Dave O. Motion carried
CorrespondenceA card from the Wilson family was read by President Steve P. and a presentation of a Superior A’s Magnet to be raffled during the 50/50 at the next drawing was made.Floyd J. noted the “Model A Times” had an article from member Keith Johnson on an ax handle repair for the rear seal of a Model A. Another handy tip of using a square nut for a gas gauge removal tool was noted.
Old BusinessThe corporate license was discussed. And a motion was made to pay the $20 yearly fee by Curt J. and seconded by Bob S.
The Coffee Run for August was a success. Nine Model As ventured up to Big Bay with a museum tour, a trip to Thomas Rock, and a return with no car trouble reported. September’s Coffee Run to Lakenenland is the second Tuesday meeting at Al Quaal in Ishpeming at 1pm. Ideas for Second Tuesday Coffee Runs are always welcome!
New BusinessRepublic Retro Days is Saturday, 9/17/2022. Parade at 11am, with Car Show to follow. Meet up for Parade at the Cemetary, be early.Norm “Model A” Johnson gave a progress report on his pickup. A lively paint discussion ensued and parts are gathered and nearing re-assembly time. Looking forward to another update this month.Motion to Adjourn made at 6:57pm by Curt J. and Seconded by Denise M. Motion carried.
July 26, 2022
July 2022 Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Norm J’s garage with 21 members present. Ten members drove their A’s.
Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer Jim P. gave the report showing checking and savings balances. Norm J. made a motion to accept this report and it was seconded by Jim M. Following a vote, the motion carried.
CorrespondencePresident Steve received and read the MAFFI newsletter advertising Model A Days at the Gilmore Museum. He also received the renewal forms for Michigan Non Profit Organization status. Jim P. will check into whether or not we still need this.
New Business We are looking for suggestions for the Second Tuesday run in August. After discussion, it was decided to take a ride to Big Bay. Pack a picnic lunch to be eaten at the park. We’ve been invited to stop by Mike K’s place while we are up there. Also, if time permits, it was suggested we visit Thomas Rock.President Steve has been having phone issues and has decided to change his phone number.President Steve brought up the need for new business cards, especially now that he has changed his number. Jim M. agreed.
DiscussionNorm L. is selling his 1930 coupe. He is asking $11,000. Having a work bee on Norm J’s truck was brought up. An exact date and time could not be decided upon. This will be revisited.Curtis J. is looking for a 28/29 speedometer cable. His phone number is (805)754-4276.The meeting adjourned at 6:37.
The next meeting is tentatively planned to be held at The Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum at 6:00 on August 30th.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Norm J’s garage with 21 members present. Ten members drove their A’s.
Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer Jim P. gave the report showing checking and savings balances. Norm J. made a motion to accept this report and it was seconded by Jim M. Following a vote, the motion carried.
CorrespondencePresident Steve received and read the MAFFI newsletter advertising Model A Days at the Gilmore Museum. He also received the renewal forms for Michigan Non Profit Organization status. Jim P. will check into whether or not we still need this.
New Business We are looking for suggestions for the Second Tuesday run in August. After discussion, it was decided to take a ride to Big Bay. Pack a picnic lunch to be eaten at the park. We’ve been invited to stop by Mike K’s place while we are up there. Also, if time permits, it was suggested we visit Thomas Rock.President Steve has been having phone issues and has decided to change his phone number.President Steve brought up the need for new business cards, especially now that he has changed his number. Jim M. agreed.
DiscussionNorm L. is selling his 1930 coupe. He is asking $11,000. Having a work bee on Norm J’s truck was brought up. An exact date and time could not be decided upon. This will be revisited.Curtis J. is looking for a 28/29 speedometer cable. His phone number is (805)754-4276.The meeting adjourned at 6:37.
The next meeting is tentatively planned to be held at The Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum at 6:00 on August 30th.
June 28, 2022
June Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 24 members in attendance. 8 members drove their A’s.
Treasurer’s ReportJim P. gave the treasurer's report. A motion was made to accept this report by Norm J. and seconded by Dennis Sip. This motion carried.
CorrespondenceSnyder’s and Lang’s each sent catalogs to be shared with the membership.
New BusinessDon G. is looking for someone to take over the transporting of the club tour kit for the next one year term or so.Member Keith J. shared with us that he had recently been honored by MARC with the 2021 George DeAngelis Literary Award for the Best Technical Article. Keith’s article on Performing A Traditional Valve Job received MARC Model A News highest award. Keith also received the Honorable Mention award for 2020 in the same category for his article on repairing a cracked carburetor. He also shared with us a bit about George DeAngelis, his career, and influence on the auto industry.It was decided to take the July 2nd Tuesday run to Gary’s Knotty Pine.
DiscussionJim P. brought up proper off season battery storage. The reference source recommended removing the battery from the car and storing it in the freezer, fully charged. The U.P. membership in attendance felt that we could remove one battery cable and leave the battery in the car if the garage was not heated and the battery was fully charged. ]The Republic Retro parade will be August 20th at 10:00 a.m. with a car show afterwards.Michigamme festivities will be Sunday, July 3rd from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.Kurt J. has a 60 year collection of A parts for sale including an original 1930 coupe seat.It was suggested that we put a water pump packing kit in the tour kit.
The next meeting will be July 26th at Norm J’s house.
Motion to adjourn by Norm J. and seconded by Dennis Sip
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 24 members in attendance. 8 members drove their A’s.
Treasurer’s ReportJim P. gave the treasurer's report. A motion was made to accept this report by Norm J. and seconded by Dennis Sip. This motion carried.
CorrespondenceSnyder’s and Lang’s each sent catalogs to be shared with the membership.
New BusinessDon G. is looking for someone to take over the transporting of the club tour kit for the next one year term or so.Member Keith J. shared with us that he had recently been honored by MARC with the 2021 George DeAngelis Literary Award for the Best Technical Article. Keith’s article on Performing A Traditional Valve Job received MARC Model A News highest award. Keith also received the Honorable Mention award for 2020 in the same category for his article on repairing a cracked carburetor. He also shared with us a bit about George DeAngelis, his career, and influence on the auto industry.It was decided to take the July 2nd Tuesday run to Gary’s Knotty Pine.
DiscussionJim P. brought up proper off season battery storage. The reference source recommended removing the battery from the car and storing it in the freezer, fully charged. The U.P. membership in attendance felt that we could remove one battery cable and leave the battery in the car if the garage was not heated and the battery was fully charged. ]The Republic Retro parade will be August 20th at 10:00 a.m. with a car show afterwards.Michigamme festivities will be Sunday, July 3rd from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.Kurt J. has a 60 year collection of A parts for sale including an original 1930 coupe seat.It was suggested that we put a water pump packing kit in the tour kit.
The next meeting will be July 26th at Norm J’s house.
Motion to adjourn by Norm J. and seconded by Dennis Sip
May 31, 2022
May Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:03 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 29 members and 2 guests present. 12 members drove their A’s to the meeting.
Treasurer Jim P. gave the treasurer’s report. Norm J. made a motion to accept this report and it was seconded by Russ W. This motion carried.
CorrespondenceMike D. sent an article about MTU’s plans to tear down the Alberta saw mill and museum site as it no longer meets code and is a liability.
Old BusinessMember Louis I. shared his opinion on dues. He suggestedeliminating mailings, stating members with email can share any news with those members who don’t have it. After much discussion among the members present about various options, Art G. made a motion to raise 2023 dues to $15.00. This was seconded by Mike K. and the motion carried.The Jacobetti Home for Veterans car show is being held on July 20th from noon to 3:00 p.m. RSVP if you are able to attend to Sherry at (906)226-3576 ext 250394.The Republic Retro Days are being held August 19, 20th and 21st.
New BusinessSteve’s coupe was driven to the meeting for the first time.Now that we are no longer a member of MAFCA, the club letterhead needs changing. Webmaster Clayton J. will take care of this.Picnic cruise to Rick M. June 11th. RSVPThe 2nd Tuesday run will be to the Up North Lodge. Steve suggested we meet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum and leave at 10:00 a.m. (This has since been changed back to meeting at Al Qual and leaving at 1:00 p.m. as we did in the past.)Those coming from the east can meet us at the 480/M35 intersection. Don Giackino made a motion to donate $300.00 to the Cliffs Shaft Museum. After multiple seconds the motion carried.Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Next MeetingJune 28th at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. We are invited to show up at 4:30 p.m. and take a tour of the museum ahead of our meeting
Treasurer Jim P. gave the treasurer’s report. Norm J. made a motion to accept this report and it was seconded by Russ W. This motion carried.
CorrespondenceMike D. sent an article about MTU’s plans to tear down the Alberta saw mill and museum site as it no longer meets code and is a liability.
Old BusinessMember Louis I. shared his opinion on dues. He suggestedeliminating mailings, stating members with email can share any news with those members who don’t have it. After much discussion among the members present about various options, Art G. made a motion to raise 2023 dues to $15.00. This was seconded by Mike K. and the motion carried.The Jacobetti Home for Veterans car show is being held on July 20th from noon to 3:00 p.m. RSVP if you are able to attend to Sherry at (906)226-3576 ext 250394.The Republic Retro Days are being held August 19, 20th and 21st.
New BusinessSteve’s coupe was driven to the meeting for the first time.Now that we are no longer a member of MAFCA, the club letterhead needs changing. Webmaster Clayton J. will take care of this.Picnic cruise to Rick M. June 11th. RSVPThe 2nd Tuesday run will be to the Up North Lodge. Steve suggested we meet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum and leave at 10:00 a.m. (This has since been changed back to meeting at Al Qual and leaving at 1:00 p.m. as we did in the past.)Those coming from the east can meet us at the 480/M35 intersection. Don Giackino made a motion to donate $300.00 to the Cliffs Shaft Museum. After multiple seconds the motion carried.Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Next MeetingJune 28th at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. We are invited to show up at 4:30 p.m. and take a tour of the museum ahead of our meeting
April 26, 2022
Subject: April 2022 Meeting Minutes
Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:01 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 22 members present. Nobody brought their A on the 22 degree evening with the threat of snow.
Treasurer’s ReportA treasurer’s report was given with a balances in savings and checking. A motion to accept this report was made by Dennis Sip. and seconded by Joe S.
Meeting MinutesA revision to the March Minutes was explained. Correspondence from member Ben E. had been received and discussed at the March meeting. Very good feedback. Thank you Ben. Also the Model T meet and greet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum was changed to Saturday June 25th from noon to three o’clock instead of Sunday.
CorrespondenceIt was noted that the club had received a thank you card for the donation that we had made in March to the Cliffs Shaft Museum.
Old BusinessWes H. checked into a copyright for our club logo with a lawyer friend and didn’t feel it was necessary to pursue. President Steve P. agreed. Membership to MARC as a club was revisited with new information. After discussion it was decided to rejoin MARC. Dennis Sip. made a motion for the club to pay the presidents dues to MARC annually. This was seconded by Rod S. Motion carried.
New BusinessJoe S. brought in an itinerary for this summer’s Michigamme festivities.Treasurer Jim P. brought up the cost of mailing out the 10 newsletters each year to the members who receive it “snail mail” ($10.14 each) along with membership cards (60 cents each) as necessary. Obviously, our $10 dues don’t cover these costs. The membership is asked to think about this and share your thoughts at the next meeting.President Steve P. read from the MAFFI Newsletter that they are looking for three new members to the Board of Trustees. President Steve P. also shared his concern that scheduling too many club car shows is diluting the public’s interest in the Model A.
DiscussionCameron M. is aiding in coordinating a car show at Barrel and Beam. (The old Northwoods Supper Club) If interested, it could be made an all “A” show. July 16th was mentioned for this from noon to 4:00 or 6:00. Republic is having a parade in August and invites us.Meeting adjourned at 7:38Next meeting May 31 with the location TBD
Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:01 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 22 members present. Nobody brought their A on the 22 degree evening with the threat of snow.
Treasurer’s ReportA treasurer’s report was given with a balances in savings and checking. A motion to accept this report was made by Dennis Sip. and seconded by Joe S.
Meeting MinutesA revision to the March Minutes was explained. Correspondence from member Ben E. had been received and discussed at the March meeting. Very good feedback. Thank you Ben. Also the Model T meet and greet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum was changed to Saturday June 25th from noon to three o’clock instead of Sunday.
CorrespondenceIt was noted that the club had received a thank you card for the donation that we had made in March to the Cliffs Shaft Museum.
Old BusinessWes H. checked into a copyright for our club logo with a lawyer friend and didn’t feel it was necessary to pursue. President Steve P. agreed. Membership to MARC as a club was revisited with new information. After discussion it was decided to rejoin MARC. Dennis Sip. made a motion for the club to pay the presidents dues to MARC annually. This was seconded by Rod S. Motion carried.
New BusinessJoe S. brought in an itinerary for this summer’s Michigamme festivities.Treasurer Jim P. brought up the cost of mailing out the 10 newsletters each year to the members who receive it “snail mail” ($10.14 each) along with membership cards (60 cents each) as necessary. Obviously, our $10 dues don’t cover these costs. The membership is asked to think about this and share your thoughts at the next meeting.President Steve P. read from the MAFFI Newsletter that they are looking for three new members to the Board of Trustees. President Steve P. also shared his concern that scheduling too many club car shows is diluting the public’s interest in the Model A.
DiscussionCameron M. is aiding in coordinating a car show at Barrel and Beam. (The old Northwoods Supper Club) If interested, it could be made an all “A” show. July 16th was mentioned for this from noon to 4:00 or 6:00. Republic is having a parade in August and invites us.Meeting adjourned at 7:38Next meeting May 31 with the location TBD
March 29, 2022
Superior A’s March 2022 Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 22 members in attendance. One Model A braved the weather. Nice to see it out Rod.
Treasurer’s ReportA treasurer’s report was given with amounts in the treasury.A motion to accept this report was made by Dennis Sip. and seconded by Bob S. The motion carried.
CorrespondenceBen E., a member from the Lower Peninsula, sent a letter expressing his views/ideas for the club moving forward. President Steve P. shared and discussed this letter with the membership in attendance. Many good ideas. Thank you for your input Ben.Steve received a flyer advertising a Mustang/All Ford Show on June 11thGaslight Antique is offering free catalogs.Forsyth Museum sent a note thanking us for stopping by and the donation we made.
New BusinessA recommendation was made to copyright the club logo. This will be looked into.After discussion Dick L. made a motion to keep the website. This was seconded by Paul M. and the motion carried.Wood patterns for all Model A body styles, which were made/collected by the late Frank Johnson, were donated to the club.After much discussion it was decided to drop membership in both MAFCA and MARC as a club. Floyd J. made a motion to this and it was seconded by Dennis Sip. It also was decided that, upon dropping our national affiliation, it was no longer necessary to be registered as a non profit organization with the state. This was put in the form of a motion by Wes H. and seconded by Dick L. This motion was also carried.Bill C. donated his brake arcing machine to the club and Art G. has agreed to store it. Plans will have to be made to haul this machine from Bill’s to Art’s.
DiscussionPaul W. announced that he will be having a get together at the farm once again this spring with a change to the menu. More information to follow.Steve is looking for correct speedometer parts for his coupe.The Michigamme Car Show will be July 3rd in conjunction with their centennial.Steve P. is organizing a Model T car show/meet and greet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum on Saturday June 25th from noon to 3:00
The meeting was dismissed at 7:36 p.m.
Next meeting will be April 26th with the location to be determined
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 22 members in attendance. One Model A braved the weather. Nice to see it out Rod.
Treasurer’s ReportA treasurer’s report was given with amounts in the treasury.A motion to accept this report was made by Dennis Sip. and seconded by Bob S. The motion carried.
CorrespondenceBen E., a member from the Lower Peninsula, sent a letter expressing his views/ideas for the club moving forward. President Steve P. shared and discussed this letter with the membership in attendance. Many good ideas. Thank you for your input Ben.Steve received a flyer advertising a Mustang/All Ford Show on June 11thGaslight Antique is offering free catalogs.Forsyth Museum sent a note thanking us for stopping by and the donation we made.
New BusinessA recommendation was made to copyright the club logo. This will be looked into.After discussion Dick L. made a motion to keep the website. This was seconded by Paul M. and the motion carried.Wood patterns for all Model A body styles, which were made/collected by the late Frank Johnson, were donated to the club.After much discussion it was decided to drop membership in both MAFCA and MARC as a club. Floyd J. made a motion to this and it was seconded by Dennis Sip. It also was decided that, upon dropping our national affiliation, it was no longer necessary to be registered as a non profit organization with the state. This was put in the form of a motion by Wes H. and seconded by Dick L. This motion was also carried.Bill C. donated his brake arcing machine to the club and Art G. has agreed to store it. Plans will have to be made to haul this machine from Bill’s to Art’s.
DiscussionPaul W. announced that he will be having a get together at the farm once again this spring with a change to the menu. More information to follow.Steve is looking for correct speedometer parts for his coupe.The Michigamme Car Show will be July 3rd in conjunction with their centennial.Steve P. is organizing a Model T car show/meet and greet at the Cliffs Shaft Museum on Saturday June 25th from noon to 3:00
The meeting was dismissed at 7:36 p.m.
Next meeting will be April 26th with the location to be determined
February 22, 2022
The February meeting was canceled due to a snowstorm. The National Weather Service reported 37 inches in 54 hours with more in the highlands north of Marquette. Spring is still on the way.
January 25, 2022
Superior A's January 2022 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:08 by President Steve P. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 14 members present.
TREASURER REPORTTreasurer Jim P. reported the completion of the annual audit with everything found to be in order. Jim P. gave the treasurer’s report with the total for savings and checking. This report was accepted unanimously by the membership in attendance.
CORRESPONDENCE Steve received a reminder that the donated motor and fenders have yet to be picked up.
OLD BUSINESS The “second Tuesday“ monthly rides will begin again in the spring.
NEW BUSINESS There was discussion of the fall tour being set up in conjunction with International Model A Day in September. Don G. has worked on this in the past and hopefully this can be worked out.All club officer positions are open for change. Change is necessary and encouraged to keep things fresh.
DISCUSSIONThe brake arcing tool, that Bill C. has, was brought up. What does it still need to make it right? Sam W. brought up various electrical issues and is planning on leading discussion on the subject at a future meeting.Jim and Rudy M. are working on building an AA Station Wagon (Woody) snowmobile!
Motion to adjourn by Dennis Sip. with a second by Jim Ma. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING February 22nd with location TBD
TREASURER REPORTTreasurer Jim P. reported the completion of the annual audit with everything found to be in order. Jim P. gave the treasurer’s report with the total for savings and checking. This report was accepted unanimously by the membership in attendance.
CORRESPONDENCE Steve received a reminder that the donated motor and fenders have yet to be picked up.
OLD BUSINESS The “second Tuesday“ monthly rides will begin again in the spring.
NEW BUSINESS There was discussion of the fall tour being set up in conjunction with International Model A Day in September. Don G. has worked on this in the past and hopefully this can be worked out.All club officer positions are open for change. Change is necessary and encouraged to keep things fresh.
DISCUSSIONThe brake arcing tool, that Bill C. has, was brought up. What does it still need to make it right? Sam W. brought up various electrical issues and is planning on leading discussion on the subject at a future meeting.Jim and Rudy M. are working on building an AA Station Wagon (Woody) snowmobile!
Motion to adjourn by Dennis Sip. with a second by Jim Ma. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING February 22nd with location TBD
October 26, 2021
Superior A's October Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 5:58 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. There were 24 members present along with 9 Model A’s.
Treasurer Jim P. gave an updated report on the club's finances. Norm J. made a motion to except this report and it was seconded by Joe S.
CORRESPONDENCE An engine and two fenders are being donated to the club but need to be picked up.“Dave” has a 1930 coupe for sale for $13,000. (906)203-1041
OLD BUSINESSA remembrance of those members and friends who have past.
NEW BUSINESSA motion was made by Floyd J. and seconded by Jim M. to donate $300.00 to the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum.Another motion was made by Floyd J. and seconded by Wes H. to donate $100.00 to the Forsyth Museum.Wes H. suggested putting seat belts in your “A” and shared a story supporting this.
DISCUSSIONSam W., once again, led an informational discussion. This one pertaining to fuel. Keith J. was acknowledged for his article in the September/October issue of MARC’s Model “A” News. Motion to adjourn meeting by Norm J. and seconded by Dave O.
NEXT MEETINGJanuary 25th with the location to be determined
Treasurer Jim P. gave an updated report on the club's finances. Norm J. made a motion to except this report and it was seconded by Joe S.
CORRESPONDENCE An engine and two fenders are being donated to the club but need to be picked up.“Dave” has a 1930 coupe for sale for $13,000. (906)203-1041
OLD BUSINESSA remembrance of those members and friends who have past.
NEW BUSINESSA motion was made by Floyd J. and seconded by Jim M. to donate $300.00 to the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum.Another motion was made by Floyd J. and seconded by Wes H. to donate $100.00 to the Forsyth Museum.Wes H. suggested putting seat belts in your “A” and shared a story supporting this.
DISCUSSIONSam W., once again, led an informational discussion. This one pertaining to fuel. Keith J. was acknowledged for his article in the September/October issue of MARC’s Model “A” News. Motion to adjourn meeting by Norm J. and seconded by Dave O.
NEXT MEETINGJanuary 25th with the location to be determined
September 28, 2021
Superior A's September Meeting Minutes
(Thanks to Jim P. for taking the minutes in my absence).
Before starting the meeting officially, the members with A’s took a ride, in Ishpeming, past the Pine Street high rise and the Marquette County Medical Care Facility. The facility residents weren’t able to go outside because of the recent Covid precautions.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:30 with 21 members and 10 Model A’s in attendance at the Cliffs Shaft Museum.
CORRESPONDENCE None, but Bill Y. took the opportunity to remind us of the 2022 MARC National Tour, hosted by Greg Fish, in Bark River.
DISCUSSION The “second Tuesday” run on October 12th will be to Gwinn with a visit to the Gwinn Historical Museum. Those riding from the west will meet at Al Quaal and leave at 1:00 meeting those coming from the east at the 480/M35 intersection by 1:30. We will take M35 to Gwinn. Wayne M. bought Dan O’s. Model A.Russ W. Is looking for snowmobile conversion parts for his A.Bob S. discussed the problems he is having removing his head. He is going to try the tool that Jim M. made for removing heads.
Sam W. gave an excellent presentation and led discussion on Model A lubrication. Everybody learned something. Sam is going to lead discussion on fuel at the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30.Next meeting October 26th with location TBD.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:30 with 21 members and 10 Model A’s in attendance at the Cliffs Shaft Museum.
CORRESPONDENCE None, but Bill Y. took the opportunity to remind us of the 2022 MARC National Tour, hosted by Greg Fish, in Bark River.
DISCUSSION The “second Tuesday” run on October 12th will be to Gwinn with a visit to the Gwinn Historical Museum. Those riding from the west will meet at Al Quaal and leave at 1:00 meeting those coming from the east at the 480/M35 intersection by 1:30. We will take M35 to Gwinn. Wayne M. bought Dan O’s. Model A.Russ W. Is looking for snowmobile conversion parts for his A.Bob S. discussed the problems he is having removing his head. He is going to try the tool that Jim M. made for removing heads.
Sam W. gave an excellent presentation and led discussion on Model A lubrication. Everybody learned something. Sam is going to lead discussion on fuel at the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30.Next meeting October 26th with location TBD.
August 31, 2021
Superior A's August Meeting Minutes
The August meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Steve P. at the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum with 32 members and 14 Model A’s present.
TREASURERS REPORT The Treasurers Report was given by Jim P. A motion to accept this report was made by Joe S. and seconded by Dave O. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE Steve discussed a book he had read authored by Dan Oja, a local man. The books title is “Ordinary Heroes” and is about local families and WWII. Steve is making the book available for members to read if interested. Dan Oja also has a Jim Robinson built Model A for sale.
OLD BUSINESS Discussed the August “second Tuesday” run to Big Bay and thanked Mike K. for hosting it at his “museum“. Jim M. gave a recap on the Republic Centennial Celebration.
NEW BUSINESS Curtis J. shared a 49 year old story about his wife’s experience driving his Model A and not stopping in time at a stop sign. Sound familiar anyone? In this shared instance there was no accident.A destination for the September “second Tuesday” ride was discussed and it was decided upon to ride to Lakenen Land. Once again the west end will leave Al Quaal at 1:00 p.m. and meet up with the others at Lofaro’s grocery store parking lot on the corner of US41 and Cherry Creek Rd. approximately 1:30-1:45.The October 12th run will be to Nordeen Park in Gwinn. Arrangements are being made to tour the Gwinn Historical Museum.Sam W. brought up an idea of getting to know more about one another and our A’s through a question/answer session during our meetings. Sam volunteered to start this at the next meeting.Don G. shared a story about a ride he took in his A the day before and having car trouble causing him to sleep overnight in his car. Walt A. came to the rescue in the morning.Dick L. invited us all to the “Pasty Crew Old Car Society“ get together at his storage barn on Wednesday, August 8th.
NEXT MEETINGSeptember 28th location TBD.The plan is to do a drive through of the Marquette County Medical Care Facility (Valenti Center) at the start of the meeting.
July 27, 2021
Superior A's July Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Steve P. at Norm’s garage with 22 members and 10 A’s present.
A treasurer’s report was given. Bob S. made a motion to accept this report and Norm L. seconded. Motion carried.
Correspondence Jennifer Zellen of Bloomfield Hills, Mi. sent an invitation to this years Michigan Model A Roundup sponsored by the Oak Leaf Chapter of MARC.Bay Cliff is soliciting donations.Don G. made a motion to send $100.00. This was seconded by Jim M. and supported by the membership present.The Pasadena High School is also looking for a donation or raffle ticket purchase. It was decided to do this individually, if interested, but not as a club this year.
Old BusinessThe tour kit inventory list was brought up. Don G. has gone through the kit and some more items will be ordered right away.Reminder to anybody interested to step up and take over an office. Please!The Republic Centennial car show and parade will be 11:00 a.m., August 28th. Come into town via the park off the highway. Those coming from the east can meet at the west end of the Jubilee parking lot, on U.S. 41 in Ishpeming, at 10:00 a.m.
New BusinessA destination was discussed for the 2nd Tuesday (August 10th) club ride. A run to the park in Big Bay was agreed upon. Those interested can pack their own picnic lunch and/or drink. While we are in town, Mike K. invited us to see his garage/museum. Those coming from the west can meet at Al Quaal and plan to leave there at 1:00 p.m. All cars will meet at the east Tourist Park entrance around 1:30 p.m.Buzz the Gut will be held in Ishpeming August 14th. They are asking $5.00 to enter a car this year with proceeds going to the Ishpeming V.F.W.
Discussion Some successful ways of flushing radiators were shared including circulating Go-Jo or Dawn dish soap. It was also suggested to use the Water Wetter additive which aides the engine in running cooler if over heating is a problem.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Rudy M. and seconded by Jim M.
June 29, 2021
Superior A’s June meeting minutes
The meeting was called to order by Steve P at 5:58 PM at Norm J’s garage. There were 28 members along with four Model A’s present.
TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. reported on the current balances.
CORRESPONDENCE Rick H. Called Steve looking for help getting his Woody going in time for the 4th of July parade.
OLD BUSINESS Jim P. Sent $150 to the Gilmore Museum to purchase a brick in memory of Paul W.
NEW BUSINESS Steve P. discussed the “second Tuesday “ ride to Chatham. Norm J. volunteered the loft in his barn for storage if necessary. It is not weather proof. We (the club) need an inventory list compiled for the tour kit.
DISCUSSIONJim P. and Bob S. shared stories from their recent trip to the MARC National Convention in Oshkosh, Wi. Jack F. is selling his four door sedan for $10,000. Phone (906) 524-4134. Steve P. shared a story of buying one of Frank O’s rebuilt carburetors and the positive difference it made.
NEXT MEETING July 27th with the location TBD.
May 25, 2021
Superior A’s May Meeting Minutes
President Steve P., at the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum parking area, called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.
CORRESPONDENCEJim P. has been corresponding with a Model A club from Monroe, Michigan that will be touring the U.P. around July 12th. There will be more information to come.The Michigamme Museum Car Show will be held June 27th.OLD BUSINESSOur storage site at the Paul W. Farm had caved in. Paul was at the May meeting and said that he had room in another building that he could move the parts into. Thank you Paul!
NEW BUSINESSPresident Steve P. made a presentation to Paul W. Jr. of a plaque we received from the MAFFI Museum. The plaque was sent to the club as a thank you for the monetary donation made to the Model A Ford Museum in Paul Sr’s name. Paul Sr. was our MAFFI liaison until his passing.Wes H. made a motion to purchase a brick at the museum. Dick L. seconded.Jim P. will handle the purchase of the brick.Sam W. donated a bag of past Restorer Magazines to share.There was a quick recap of the “second Tuesday” club ride to The Michigamme Museum. Some of the membership took time to look over the club tour kit. Don G. volunteered to look into a spring tour to the new Henry’s Steakhouse in Kingsford.
DISCUSSIONThe “second Tuesday” club ride was discussed and a decision was made to go to the Up North Lodge. Don G. will take care of reservations. Start times and rendezvous points were decided upon.Paul W. Jr. is tentatively planning to revive the pancake breakfast at the farm in 2022. Let’s hope so!Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting will be held June 29th with the location TBD.
April 27, 2021
Superior A’s April Monthly Meeting
President Steve P. called the first meeting of 2021 to order at 6:04 p.m. at the Al Quaal Recreation Area with 11 members in attendance. Five Model A’s made it out of storage to attend.
TREASURER’S REPORTTreasurer Jim P. gave an up to date report.A motion to accept this report was made by Bob S. and seconded by Joe S. Motion carried
CORRESPONDENCEJim P. received information on an AA truck available in Escanaba. The owner has passed and the family is looking to get it to someone who can appreciate it. If interested, call (920) 609-9958 and ask for Mitch.Steve P. received correspondence from Bay Cliff looking for a donation.Mike E., a member from Coal Valley, Illinois, is hoping to have his Model A up in the U.P. for the Michigamme Museum Car Show in June.
OLD BUSINESSThere has been talk in the past about getting together for a somewhat scheduled ride once a month with varying destinations. After discussion, it was decided to start in May with a ride to Michigamme. The second Tuesday of each month was thought to be a good time to schedule these rides. Those interested can meet at Al Quaal at 1:00 p.m. to travel together.
NEW BUSINESSSteve P. found his list of Model A parts being stored at Paul W. Jr’s. farm.It seems the storage barn they were in has caved in and we may have to come up with a “Plan B”. Tom L., a member who grew up in Negaunee, but now lives downstate, sent up a box of miniature screw driver sets affixed with the Superior A’s logo. There are approximately 150 sets. Come to a meeting to get one and help the club decide the best way to dole out the rest. Thank you very much Tom!Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting will be May 25th with the location TBD
January, February, and March 2021 Meetings cancelled
October 27, 2020
OCTOBER 2020 MEETING MINUTES(Thank you Bob S. for supplying the heated seats for all in attendance!)
President Steve P., at the Al Quaal Recreation Area, called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. There were 11 members and 2 Model A’s present enjoying the 20-degree evening.Steve recognized the club members and “A” friends who have past. TREASURER’S REPORTTreasurer Jim P. gave a quick run down of monies coming in and going out, and gave a final balance of $2,820.67 with $1,287.96 of this being in checking. There was a motion to except this report by Bob S. and a second by Joe S. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received a “Superior A’s” pen from the National Pen Co. There was some discussion on possibly purchasing enough of these to give them out at a future club function/banquet. The price is 59 cents each when buying 50 or more pens.Setting up a stamp printer for Jim P. was brought up but quickly shot down after looking at the cost.
NEW BUSINESSDon G. volunteered to plan a one or two day tour when things get somewhat back to normal. Bark River, Mi. will host the 2022 MARC National Tour.Sault Ste. Marie will be holding a “Light Parade” the last weekend in December.After discussion initiated by Super John W. at an earlier meeting, Rod S. found that Wix air filter #42036 fits in the common Air Maze air cleaner by extending the bolt. This replaceable filter is said to work very well.
Meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.
NEXT MEETING6:00 p.m. January 26th with the location to be determined
President Steve P., at the Al Quaal Recreation Area, called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. There were 11 members and 2 Model A’s present enjoying the 20-degree evening.Steve recognized the club members and “A” friends who have past. TREASURER’S REPORTTreasurer Jim P. gave a quick run down of monies coming in and going out, and gave a final balance of $2,820.67 with $1,287.96 of this being in checking. There was a motion to except this report by Bob S. and a second by Joe S. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received a “Superior A’s” pen from the National Pen Co. There was some discussion on possibly purchasing enough of these to give them out at a future club function/banquet. The price is 59 cents each when buying 50 or more pens.Setting up a stamp printer for Jim P. was brought up but quickly shot down after looking at the cost.
NEW BUSINESSDon G. volunteered to plan a one or two day tour when things get somewhat back to normal. Bark River, Mi. will host the 2022 MARC National Tour.Sault Ste. Marie will be holding a “Light Parade” the last weekend in December.After discussion initiated by Super John W. at an earlier meeting, Rod S. found that Wix air filter #42036 fits in the common Air Maze air cleaner by extending the bolt. This replaceable filter is said to work very well.
Meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.
NEXT MEETING6:00 p.m. January 26th with the location to be determined
September 29, 2020
Thank you Clayton J. for taking the minutes in my absence!
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by President Steve P. at the Al Quaal Recreation Area. There were 22 members and 5 Model A’s present.
Jim P. reported what monies had been paid out this month. Motion to accept by Bob S. with a second by Rudy M.
Howard F. from Ohio, who has sold his two Model A’s, is selling his collection of spare parts. If interested or looking for parts, contact Steve P. The wrong number had been listed for Steve in the recent past; the correct one is (216) 970-7374 or (440) 975-9753.
Harry H. reported that Paul W. Jr has the club’s spare parts at his place. Rudy M. reminds us that he had sent out a copy of the old web page with the amassed parts and tools list.Steve P. brought up Jim P’s. suggestion of an election of new officers. Steve asked if there was any interest among those in attendance. There were no immediate volunteers. Please consider taking on one of these offices for a “term”.Steve asked for suggestions on what direction the club should go in 2021. Do we want anything to change or are we satisfied with the way things are? Give it some thought for next month’s meeting.After being asked by Bay Cliff Health Camp for another monetary donation, Treasurer Jim P. looked into our remaining funds at years end in recent years. We had around $250 left after bills were paid and donations were made at the end of 2018-2019. We are not done yet, but are projected to end with something in the area of $200 left at the end of this year. Steve, along with those in attendance, felt the club shouldn’t commit to an annual donation at this time.
Is there any interest in attending the 2021 National MARC MEET in Oshkosh, WI?Rudy M. shared the fix for his starting problem. Vic C. asked Steve when we can expect the revealing of his coupe. Steve said that after 22 years he’s not holding his breath, but hopes to finish it this winter.Motion to adjourn in a flurry when the rains came.
August 25, 2020
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. at the Al Quaal Recreation Area with 17 members and 8 Model A’s present.
Jim P. gave a report on the monthly expenses. Joe S. made a motion to accept the report and was seconded by Dave O. Motion carried.
The state non-profit annual fee is due. Jim P. will send this in.Jim received information from MARC about candidates running for MARC offices.Steve received a communication from Bay Cliff Health Camp looking for donations in their annual appeal. Think about this for next meeting. (This was actually brought up under new business)
Steve reviewed last month’s topics.
Steve said that he had talked to Art G. about “getting a handle” on what tools and parts we have and where they are located.Steve P. questioned if there was a way that the communication our MAFFI liaison, Keith J., receives monthly from MAFFI could be shared with the club. Jim P. explained that he receives an electronic copy of the communication from Keith each month and shares it with all club members who receive their newsletter electronically. The cost of sending it to everybody through “snail mail” would be too great under our present system.Jim P. brought up openings for most, if not all, officers positions as we get toward the end of the year. If you have interest in any of the offices, or know someone who does, please step forward. An election could be set up IF NEEDED.
DISCUSSION Bob S. brought up the Oshkosh MARC Convention in 2021 and was wondering if there was any interest in attending as a group.Wilbur L. got his starter fixed and shared the story on what he found.Rudy M. is experiencing electrical gremlins, mainly low voltage.Steve P. is looking for help reupholstering his trunk.Motion to adjourn the meeting by Bob S. with a second by Rudy M. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING 6:00 p.m. September 29th at Al Quaal.
DISCUSSION Bob S. brought up the Oshkosh MARC Convention in 2021 and was wondering if there was any interest in attending as a group.Wilbur L. got his starter fixed and shared the story on what he found.Rudy M. is experiencing electrical gremlins, mainly low voltage.Steve P. is looking for help reupholstering his trunk.Motion to adjourn the meeting by Bob S. with a second by Rudy M. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING 6:00 p.m. September 29th at Al Quaal.
July 28, 2020
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. outdoors at the Al Quaal Recreation Area with 19 members in attendance widely spread out across the many picnic tables in the pavilion. Nine Model A’s showed up to be enjoyed by all who drove or walked through.
TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. gave our outstanding balance. Floyd J. made a motion to accept this report with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCEThe Model A Times, a quarterly magazine seeking subscribers, sent an example of their magazine along with subscription forms. Ted Odell sent shop towels advertising the Hackett Auto Museum in Jackson, MI. These were passed out to everyone in attendance. Thank you, Ted.
OLD BUSINESSNothing discussed.
NEW BUSINESSThe passing of Greg Lindstrom was shared. Eric Schaeffer joined the club and is selling his 1931 coupe and enclosed trailer. He is asking $16,000 for the package. $12,000 for the car only. (906) 786-0462Steve P. new phone number is (906) 204-2677.
DISCUSSIONMembers talked about their recent auto purchases.Wilbur L. is experiencing starter problems. Others shared their own similar starter problems and the remedy along with the tools needed, including a magnet.Motion to adjourn by Jim M. with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING 6:00 p.m. August 25th at Al Quaal Recreation Area in Ishpeming.
June 30, 2020
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. outdoors at the Al Quaal Recreation Area (AKA Winter Sports). There were 19 members in attendance and 9 Model A’s. As a sign of the times, members spread out and some wore masks as a precaution.
Jim P. gave a report with outstanding balance.
There is a “CAR-ONA FEST’ Classic Car Show being held July 11th, at the American Legion Post 114 in Ely Township. This is the site of the old Rendezvous Bar. The show will run from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
The Westwood H.S. awarded a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving student with some of the money the Superior A’s had donated to their trades program. The deserving student was Amanda A. who excelled in multiple areas. CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA!!The Pasadena A’s are soliciting money for their youth program.The Republic parade has been canceled due to the coronavirus.The Ontonagon Co. Fair is still on at this time on a smaller scale. The fair will be held Saturday July 25th with a number of the club members hoping to make the trip to support it.
John W. got pulled over in his Model A for doing 62mph in a 55mph zone. John was given a verbal warning. The officer also pointed out that John wasn’t wearing a seat belt and had only one taillight.Various members gave updates on the status of their Model A projects. There was a good discussion on Model A air cleaner options with hoods being raised and different examples shown. Motion to adjourn by Floyd J. and seconded by Art G. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETINGJuly 28th with the location TBD
March, April, and May meetings all cancelled
February 25, 2020
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. There were 20 members present and one Model A backed up to the snow bank outside. Atta boy, John!!
TREASURER’S REPORT Jim P. reported the current balances in savings and checking accounts. There was a motion to accept the report by Don G. and a second from Dave O. Motion carried
CORRESPONDENCE Rudy M., who is going to medical school in Barbados, sent us his best wishes and hopes to see us all in April when he gets back. Rudy also sent Clayton J. a link to an archive website so he could retrieve info from the old website.Steve P. got a call from Mike E. about a problem he was having installing his brake drums after doing a brake job and putting on new shoes. Many potential remedies were brought up for Steve to pass on to Mike.
OLD BUSINESS Steve reiterated the passing of Ron B. and Frank J. and the memorial planned for Frank, by his family, in the spring.
NEW BUSINESS Don G. volunteered to plan the spring tour. He’s looking into a 1 and 2 day tour.In the last newsletter, Steve had asked where we want to go from here as a club? Don G. stressed the need to get young people involved in our hobby. One way of doing this would be to take our cars to local high schools and colleges. Floyd J. brought up our short driving season. Along with our scheduled meeting on the last Tuesday of each month, he would like to see a casual get together on a different day each month at an agreed upon site. Everyone likes ice cream.Jim P. announced May 2nd as the date of the 2020 Spring Banquet at the Ishpeming Elks. Jim P. also recommended donating another $100.00 to the Cliffs Shaft Museum as a thank you for hosting many of our meetings. Jim M. put this in the form of a motion that was seconded by Floyd J. and the motion carried. Jim P. also questioned the best way to handle the newsletters of deceased members. Opinions were expressed and more are welcome.
DISCUSSION Ted B. reported a loose steering wheel problem he is having with his 1928. Many suggestions were made. Jim M. brought up the Republic centennial parade August 28. Rob R. invites us to the Baraga Drive In every Tuesday throughout the summer for a car show. The McDonalds in Harvey has a get together every Thursday starting at about 5:00. Rick M. announced the date for the Ontonagon Co. fair as July 25th.
Motion to adjourn at 7:10 by Joe S. with a second by Dick L. Motion carried
January 28, 2020
Superior A’s January 2020 Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. There were 22 members present and lots of snow outside.
Floyd asked if anybody had any questions with the previous months minutes as written in the newsletter. There were none.
TREASURER’S REPORTThere was no treasurer’s report as Jim P. was on vacation. Floyd reported that an in house audit of the books had been done in January and that the reported numbers were right on. Great job Jim!
OLD BUSINESSBrought up last month’s motions to try to meet up with students of the WHS auto shop. More planning to do when we can get the cars out.
NEW BUSINESSSteve brought up the recent passing of member Ron B. and local Model A expert Frank J.. Jim S. announced a memorial gathering for Frank at the Lost Creek apartment complex on 6/10/2020 @ 4:00 p.m.Jim S. framed and brought in the thank you letter we received from MAFFI for our donation (in memory of Paul W.) to their AA bus restoration. Thank you Jim!
DISCUSSIONThe membership reminisced about past local car clubs. The Peninsula Pistons, U.P. Stockers and Queen City Cams brought smiles to all. Steve P. adjourned the meeting at 6:19 Thank you goes out to the Cliffs Shaft Museum for hosting our meeting.
NEXT MEETINGFebruary 25th at 6:00 p.m. with the location TBD.
P.S. The website is up and available for viewing again.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Museum. There were 22 members present and lots of snow outside.
Floyd asked if anybody had any questions with the previous months minutes as written in the newsletter. There were none.
TREASURER’S REPORTThere was no treasurer’s report as Jim P. was on vacation. Floyd reported that an in house audit of the books had been done in January and that the reported numbers were right on. Great job Jim!
OLD BUSINESSBrought up last month’s motions to try to meet up with students of the WHS auto shop. More planning to do when we can get the cars out.
NEW BUSINESSSteve brought up the recent passing of member Ron B. and local Model A expert Frank J.. Jim S. announced a memorial gathering for Frank at the Lost Creek apartment complex on 6/10/2020 @ 4:00 p.m.Jim S. framed and brought in the thank you letter we received from MAFFI for our donation (in memory of Paul W.) to their AA bus restoration. Thank you Jim!
DISCUSSIONThe membership reminisced about past local car clubs. The Peninsula Pistons, U.P. Stockers and Queen City Cams brought smiles to all. Steve P. adjourned the meeting at 6:19 Thank you goes out to the Cliffs Shaft Museum for hosting our meeting.
NEXT MEETINGFebruary 25th at 6:00 p.m. with the location TBD.
P.S. The website is up and available for viewing again.
October 29, 2019
Superior A’s October Meeting Minutes
President Steve P., at the Cliffs Shaft Museum, called the meeting to order at 6:02, with 33 members present and 4 Model A’s in attendance.
After bringing up the previous meeting’s minutes and finding no opposition to them, Steve held a memorial service for the 25 members, family members, and friends of the Superior A’s that have passed since the club was formed and are recognized on the “Remembrance Page” on our web site.
THE TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. gave the outstanding balance which includes savings, checking and on hand monies. Clayton J. made a motion to accept with a second by Joe S. Motion carried. This amount is substantially lower than last month as the last of the convention money was donated to two deserving projects. Jim talked about the donations and showed a thank you letter the club received from the Model A Ford Foundation (MAFFI) for their gift. The thank you letter will be framed and passed on to the family of the late Paul W. who had been our MAFFI liaison until his passing. Jim S. volunteered to pick up a frame for this.
CORRESPONDENCEAn Ishpeming man has a hood for sale and a Calumet man has a Model A and parts for sale. See Steve for further info.
OLD BUSINESSSteve P. talked about the recent donations and the Westwood Auto Shop program. Rod S. shared that another family has followed our lead and better than matched our donation. How great is that? Keith J. volunteered to become our new MAFFI liaison. Thank you Keith. Jim S. spoke on the thank you barbecue, put on by The Pasty Crew Old Car Society (which many of the Superior A’s members gather with) for Lost Creek apartments. Jim also gave an update on Bob H’s. health and the fact that he has been moved to Norlite Nursing Home. Steve brought up that club by laws are being worked on. Clayton J. explained the legal need for them. Along with this, Dan H. (member from Wisconsin) told us about the problems that his regional Nash club is dealing with pertaining to the club’s tax status.
NEW BUSINESSRuss W. brought up inviting the WHS Auto Shop class to a meeting in the future. Wes H. brought up driving our cars to the school during school hours. Jim P. brought in pictures of the Iron River Rum Rebellion Parade to share with the membership.
Thank You to Cliffs Shaft Museum for hosting our meeting. Motion to adjourn by Floyd J. and a second by Joe S. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETINGJanuary 28th Location to be determined
President Steve P., at the Cliffs Shaft Museum, called the meeting to order at 6:02, with 33 members present and 4 Model A’s in attendance.
After bringing up the previous meeting’s minutes and finding no opposition to them, Steve held a memorial service for the 25 members, family members, and friends of the Superior A’s that have passed since the club was formed and are recognized on the “Remembrance Page” on our web site.
THE TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. gave the outstanding balance which includes savings, checking and on hand monies. Clayton J. made a motion to accept with a second by Joe S. Motion carried. This amount is substantially lower than last month as the last of the convention money was donated to two deserving projects. Jim talked about the donations and showed a thank you letter the club received from the Model A Ford Foundation (MAFFI) for their gift. The thank you letter will be framed and passed on to the family of the late Paul W. who had been our MAFFI liaison until his passing. Jim S. volunteered to pick up a frame for this.
CORRESPONDENCEAn Ishpeming man has a hood for sale and a Calumet man has a Model A and parts for sale. See Steve for further info.
OLD BUSINESSSteve P. talked about the recent donations and the Westwood Auto Shop program. Rod S. shared that another family has followed our lead and better than matched our donation. How great is that? Keith J. volunteered to become our new MAFFI liaison. Thank you Keith. Jim S. spoke on the thank you barbecue, put on by The Pasty Crew Old Car Society (which many of the Superior A’s members gather with) for Lost Creek apartments. Jim also gave an update on Bob H’s. health and the fact that he has been moved to Norlite Nursing Home. Steve brought up that club by laws are being worked on. Clayton J. explained the legal need for them. Along with this, Dan H. (member from Wisconsin) told us about the problems that his regional Nash club is dealing with pertaining to the club’s tax status.
NEW BUSINESSRuss W. brought up inviting the WHS Auto Shop class to a meeting in the future. Wes H. brought up driving our cars to the school during school hours. Jim P. brought in pictures of the Iron River Rum Rebellion Parade to share with the membership.
Thank You to Cliffs Shaft Museum for hosting our meeting. Motion to adjourn by Floyd J. and a second by Joe S. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETINGJanuary 28th Location to be determined
September 24, 2019
Superior A’s September Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:05 at Norm J’s. garage. There were 24 members present with 11 Model A’s in the driveway.
THE TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. reported the monthly expenses and balances. There was a motion to accept by Joe S. with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received a letter from an individual selling a 1929 Model A.
OLD BUSINESSFloyd J. relayed the information from Don G. pertaining to the fall tour.
NEW BUSINESSJim P. presented the convention committee’s recommendation on how to disperse the last of the monies from the 2012 national convention. -$4500.00 to the Westwood High School auto shop program with $500.00 of this being presented by Charlene Reynolds in memory of her husband, the late Jim Reynolds -$500.00 to MAFFI to be put toward the 1931 AA passenger bus restoration in memory of our MAFFI liaison, the late Paul WilsonBob S. explained the auto shop’s need and what led to the committee’s recommendation. Art G. made a motion to accept the recommendation of the committee with a second by Dennis S. Motion carried.Bob S. made a motion to extend, for one (1) year, the proceeds of the 50/50 drawings split equally between the club and the Michigamme Museum. Dennis S. seconded this and the motion carried.The selection of a new MAFFI liaison was tabled until next meeting.
DISCUSSIONJim S. invited us to bring our cars in support of the Lost Creek appreciation/thank you barbecue being hosted by The Pasty Crew Old Car Society. This will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd at 3:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETINGOctober 29th at 6:00 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum.
THE TREASURER’S REPORTJim P. reported the monthly expenses and balances. There was a motion to accept by Joe S. with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received a letter from an individual selling a 1929 Model A.
OLD BUSINESSFloyd J. relayed the information from Don G. pertaining to the fall tour.
NEW BUSINESSJim P. presented the convention committee’s recommendation on how to disperse the last of the monies from the 2012 national convention. -$4500.00 to the Westwood High School auto shop program with $500.00 of this being presented by Charlene Reynolds in memory of her husband, the late Jim Reynolds -$500.00 to MAFFI to be put toward the 1931 AA passenger bus restoration in memory of our MAFFI liaison, the late Paul WilsonBob S. explained the auto shop’s need and what led to the committee’s recommendation. Art G. made a motion to accept the recommendation of the committee with a second by Dennis S. Motion carried.Bob S. made a motion to extend, for one (1) year, the proceeds of the 50/50 drawings split equally between the club and the Michigamme Museum. Dennis S. seconded this and the motion carried.The selection of a new MAFFI liaison was tabled until next meeting.
DISCUSSIONJim S. invited us to bring our cars in support of the Lost Creek appreciation/thank you barbecue being hosted by The Pasty Crew Old Car Society. This will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd at 3:00 p.m.
NEXT MEETINGOctober 29th at 6:00 p.m. at the Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum.
August 27, 2019
Superior A’s August Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:05 at Norm J’s. garage.There were 24 members present with 9 Model A’s in the driveway. ¬¬The previous meeting’s minutes will no longer be read, unless there are questions pertaining to them, as they are printed in every newsletter.
THE TREASURER’S REPORT Jim P. gave the treasurers report with all balances. There was a motion to accept by Bob S. with a second by Dave O. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received invites from sponsors of car shows in Skandia and Munising. We were also invited to a bowling outing, with proceeds going to the homeless.
OLD BUSINESSA fall tour destination is being sought. Don G. has been working on options and reservations, but wasn’t in attendance to give an update. Cameron M. gave an update on the Chicago trip story and what he still needs.
NEW BUSINESSOn 8/28/20, Republic will be having a 125-year centennial and is looking for old cars for their parade. Jim M. will let us know if this includes all old cars or just Model A’s.The Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum is holding a Commemoration of Mines from noon to 5:00 p.m. on September 14th.. We are invited to attend with our cars. We are invited to a get together with the Up North Model A club at the Country Inn and Suites in Marquette on Wednesday 8/28/19 at 7:00 p.m.
DISCUSSIONGreg P. talked about his roadster project for those who weren’t in attendance at the meeting in July when he brought it. Motion to adjourn by Dave O. with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING The last Tuesday of the month, September 24th, with the location TBD.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:05 at Norm J’s. garage.There were 24 members present with 9 Model A’s in the driveway. ¬¬The previous meeting’s minutes will no longer be read, unless there are questions pertaining to them, as they are printed in every newsletter.
THE TREASURER’S REPORT Jim P. gave the treasurers report with all balances. There was a motion to accept by Bob S. with a second by Dave O. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCESteve received invites from sponsors of car shows in Skandia and Munising. We were also invited to a bowling outing, with proceeds going to the homeless.
OLD BUSINESSA fall tour destination is being sought. Don G. has been working on options and reservations, but wasn’t in attendance to give an update. Cameron M. gave an update on the Chicago trip story and what he still needs.
NEW BUSINESSOn 8/28/20, Republic will be having a 125-year centennial and is looking for old cars for their parade. Jim M. will let us know if this includes all old cars or just Model A’s.The Cliffs Shaft Mine Museum is holding a Commemoration of Mines from noon to 5:00 p.m. on September 14th.. We are invited to attend with our cars. We are invited to a get together with the Up North Model A club at the Country Inn and Suites in Marquette on Wednesday 8/28/19 at 7:00 p.m.
DISCUSSIONGreg P. talked about his roadster project for those who weren’t in attendance at the meeting in July when he brought it. Motion to adjourn by Dave O. with a second by Norm L. Motion carried.
NEXT MEETING The last Tuesday of the month, September 24th, with the location TBD.
July 30, 2019
Superior A’s July Meeting Minutes
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:09 at the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum with 26 members present. There were 10 Model A’s in the lot including a “new”, original 1928 “Woody” and a “new” 1930 Roadster Speedster. Great new additions.
The June meeting minutes were read. Dennis Sip. made a motion to accept as read with a second by Norm L.. Motion carried.
THE TREASURER’S REPORT was given by Jim P. There was a motion to accept by Bob S. and a second by Rudy M.. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCEWe received a note from the Bay Cliff Health Camp thanking us for bringing our cars to share with the campers. Clayton J. gave a quick recap of our visit to Bay Cliff. Steve brought in a Mining Journal article, about the club, to share with those that hadn’t seen it. Steve received a call from Harry H. announcing a car show at the Teal Lake assisted living home on Friday, August 2. Food would be served. Steve received a reminder from the State that our annual non-profit fee is due. Stan W. invited us to consider having a car show at the Sands Speedway one Sunday.
OLD BUSINESSClub bylaws were tabled once again. Art G. talked about the ice cream social that was held at the Negaunee Historical Society and plans for next year.
NEW BUSINESSLooking for a destination for a fall tour, possibly to Eagle River, WI, and someone to set it up. The County Fair car show will be on Thursday, August 8th from 3 to 7 p.m. with the meal at 5:00 p.m. Show up when you can. Steve talked about the many contributions to the club by Paul W.
DISCUSSIONGreg P. talked about his “woods find” roadster project. Rick M. told us about the End Of The Road car show and cruise from Calumet to Copper Harbor in July. Art G. took the editor’s position and will be putting out the newsletter. Thank you Art and thank you to Diane and Stephanie for your years of service. Clayton J. talked of setting up a new website and the cost savings in doing so. It will now be a secure site. Norm L. is having clutch issues and received input from other members on the cause. There was a motion to adjourn at 7:05 by Norm J. and a second by Don G..
NEXT MEETINGThe last Tuesday of the month, August 27th with the location TBD.
President Steve P. called the meeting to order at 6:09 at the Cliffs Shaft Mining Museum with 26 members present. There were 10 Model A’s in the lot including a “new”, original 1928 “Woody” and a “new” 1930 Roadster Speedster. Great new additions.
The June meeting minutes were read. Dennis Sip. made a motion to accept as read with a second by Norm L.. Motion carried.
THE TREASURER’S REPORT was given by Jim P. There was a motion to accept by Bob S. and a second by Rudy M.. Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCEWe received a note from the Bay Cliff Health Camp thanking us for bringing our cars to share with the campers. Clayton J. gave a quick recap of our visit to Bay Cliff. Steve brought in a Mining Journal article, about the club, to share with those that hadn’t seen it. Steve received a call from Harry H. announcing a car show at the Teal Lake assisted living home on Friday, August 2. Food would be served. Steve received a reminder from the State that our annual non-profit fee is due. Stan W. invited us to consider having a car show at the Sands Speedway one Sunday.
OLD BUSINESSClub bylaws were tabled once again. Art G. talked about the ice cream social that was held at the Negaunee Historical Society and plans for next year.
NEW BUSINESSLooking for a destination for a fall tour, possibly to Eagle River, WI, and someone to set it up. The County Fair car show will be on Thursday, August 8th from 3 to 7 p.m. with the meal at 5:00 p.m. Show up when you can. Steve talked about the many contributions to the club by Paul W.
DISCUSSIONGreg P. talked about his “woods find” roadster project. Rick M. told us about the End Of The Road car show and cruise from Calumet to Copper Harbor in July. Art G. took the editor’s position and will be putting out the newsletter. Thank you Art and thank you to Diane and Stephanie for your years of service. Clayton J. talked of setting up a new website and the cost savings in doing so. It will now be a secure site. Norm L. is having clutch issues and received input from other members on the cause. There was a motion to adjourn at 7:05 by Norm J. and a second by Don G..
NEXT MEETINGThe last Tuesday of the month, August 27th with the location TBD.
June 25, 2019
Superior A’s June Meeting Minutes
President Steve Pellinen called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Humboldt Township Hall with 23 members present. There were 11 Model A’s and 1 umbrella present.
The May meeting minutes were read. Bob S. made a motion to accept as read with a second by Norm Johnson.
CORRESPONDENCEThe Negaunee Male Chorus is looking for a 1930 Model A to use as their upcoming 4th of July parade entry. They will be celebrating their 90th anniversary. Brenton McAlpine (spelling?), from Menominee, is seeking help in starting his inherited Model A, which hasn’t run in 2 years. Cameron Mattson seeks volunteer club members and locations to assist in telling the Dick Hendra, Greg Lindstrom, Dick Lutey story. We received a reminder of the Standish car show. The club received acknowledgement from MARC for joining as a region. MAFFI has agreed to correct the club name on the plaque at the Gilmore Museum, which recognizes donations made to the museum. Diane Pellinen is looking to step down as editor of our newsletter ASAP for health reasons. The club is looking for someone to take over this task.
OLD BUSINESSClub bylaws were tabled until more info is gathered, then discussed for 10 minutes.
NEW BUSINESSAdding color to our newsletters was discussed but determined to be too expensive. Don Giackino gave a recap on the spring tour to Grand Marais.
DISCUSSIONFrank Oatley discussed/explained Model A carburetors, their differences, and how to repair a common leaking problem where the fuel line goes into the carb. Paul Wilson contacted a Mr. Gordon about waving the fee for old cars wanting to run in the 4th of July parade. Mike Kurian verified that this fee had been waved. The tour to Bay Cliff on July 24th leaves Marquette Tourist Park at 4;00 p.m.. RSVP to Art Gischia or Jim Penrose if you are able to attend by July 15th. This helps Bay Cliff. Motion to adjourn by Norm Johnson at 7;06
Next meeting July 29th. Location TBD
President Steve Pellinen called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. at the Humboldt Township Hall with 23 members present. There were 11 Model A’s and 1 umbrella present.
The May meeting minutes were read. Bob S. made a motion to accept as read with a second by Norm Johnson.
CORRESPONDENCEThe Negaunee Male Chorus is looking for a 1930 Model A to use as their upcoming 4th of July parade entry. They will be celebrating their 90th anniversary. Brenton McAlpine (spelling?), from Menominee, is seeking help in starting his inherited Model A, which hasn’t run in 2 years. Cameron Mattson seeks volunteer club members and locations to assist in telling the Dick Hendra, Greg Lindstrom, Dick Lutey story. We received a reminder of the Standish car show. The club received acknowledgement from MARC for joining as a region. MAFFI has agreed to correct the club name on the plaque at the Gilmore Museum, which recognizes donations made to the museum. Diane Pellinen is looking to step down as editor of our newsletter ASAP for health reasons. The club is looking for someone to take over this task.
OLD BUSINESSClub bylaws were tabled until more info is gathered, then discussed for 10 minutes.
NEW BUSINESSAdding color to our newsletters was discussed but determined to be too expensive. Don Giackino gave a recap on the spring tour to Grand Marais.
DISCUSSIONFrank Oatley discussed/explained Model A carburetors, their differences, and how to repair a common leaking problem where the fuel line goes into the carb. Paul Wilson contacted a Mr. Gordon about waving the fee for old cars wanting to run in the 4th of July parade. Mike Kurian verified that this fee had been waved. The tour to Bay Cliff on July 24th leaves Marquette Tourist Park at 4;00 p.m.. RSVP to Art Gischia or Jim Penrose if you are able to attend by July 15th. This helps Bay Cliff. Motion to adjourn by Norm Johnson at 7;06
Next meeting July 29th. Location TBD
May 28, 2019
Superior A’s May Meeting MinutesPresident Steve Pellinen called the meeting to order at 6:01 at the Cliffs Shaft Museum with 32 members present. There were 6 Model A’s in the parking lot.
The April meeting minutes were read. Norm Johnson made a motion to accept as read with a second by Bill Carlson. Motion carried.
Treasurer Jim Penrose gave an updated treasurers report. .A motion to accept the report was made by Joe Sweidel with a second by Dave Ollila. Motion carried.
CorrespondenceKeith Holmquist sent an article on Model A’s out of Hemming’s Motor News to share.
Old BusinessThe club is to form a committee to talk over and come up with a recommendation on how to dole out our remaining convention monies. This recommendation will be presented to the club for discussion and approval at an upcoming meeting.
Steve gave an update on Cameron Mattson’s film project.
An update was given on the spring tour to Grand Marais. Don Giakino brought a sign up list and maps.
New BusinessSteve brought up club bylaws. We are looking for more examples of other clubs’ bylaws before setting our own.
Our web editor, Clayton Johns, brought up the $142.50 web fees coming due this year. After some discussion, Jim Penrose recommended sending in the two year membership to save a little money. Rudy Mosca made a motion to this with a second by Rick McKay. Motion carried.
Clayton is also looking for pictures of young kids, grand kids, great grand kids, etc. with our Model A’s to be featured on the web site.
There was some discussion on member only access to parts of the web site.
DiscussionHarry Hannula shared Model A chat on facebook. Rick McKay talked on proper strapping of Model A’s and T’s, when trailering, to avoid damaging the wishbone. Rod Sweidel has a rhythmic ticking in his speedometer. Many members came up with recommendations for Rod to try. Clayton shared stories from the Model A Roundup in Muskegon. Bill Carlson mentioned a get together of mining groups from other areas meeting at the Cliffs Shaft Museum on June 6th. Could some of us bring our cars around 6:00 p.m. to share?
Motion to adjourn by Rudy Mosca and seconded by Bill Yardley.
Next meeting June 25th at the Humboldt Township hall.
Old BusinessThe club is to form a committee to talk over and come up with a recommendation on how to dole out our remaining convention monies. This recommendation will be presented to the club for discussion and approval at an upcoming meeting.
Steve gave an update on Cameron Mattson’s film project.
An update was given on the spring tour to Grand Marais. Don Giakino brought a sign up list and maps.
New BusinessSteve brought up club bylaws. We are looking for more examples of other clubs’ bylaws before setting our own.
Our web editor, Clayton Johns, brought up the $142.50 web fees coming due this year. After some discussion, Jim Penrose recommended sending in the two year membership to save a little money. Rudy Mosca made a motion to this with a second by Rick McKay. Motion carried.
Clayton is also looking for pictures of young kids, grand kids, great grand kids, etc. with our Model A’s to be featured on the web site.
There was some discussion on member only access to parts of the web site.
DiscussionHarry Hannula shared Model A chat on facebook. Rick McKay talked on proper strapping of Model A’s and T’s, when trailering, to avoid damaging the wishbone. Rod Sweidel has a rhythmic ticking in his speedometer. Many members came up with recommendations for Rod to try. Clayton shared stories from the Model A Roundup in Muskegon. Bill Carlson mentioned a get together of mining groups from other areas meeting at the Cliffs Shaft Museum on June 6th. Could some of us bring our cars around 6:00 p.m. to share?
Motion to adjourn by Rudy Mosca and seconded by Bill Yardley.
Next meeting June 25th at the Humboldt Township hall.
April 29, 2019
Superior A’s April Meeting Minutes President Steve Pellinen called the meeting to order at 6:01 with 44 members present at Dennis Stanaway’s garage. There were 2 A’s in the parking lot. The March minutes were read. Motion to accept by Dennis Sippola with a second by Dave Ollila. Motion carried. Treasurer Jim Penrose gave the treasurer’s report. Correspondence: None Old Business:Jim Penrose explained what was done with the Pasadena Raffle money.No, we didn’t win. New Business:After brief discussion, Bob Saxwald made a motion to get members of the convention committee together to discuss best areas to donate remaining convention funds. This was seconded by Joe Sweidel. Motion carried. Cameron, a film student at NMU, talked to us about reenacting and filming a story told to the membership by Greg Lindstrom and Dick Lutey. We are going forward with this at this time. Discussion:Don Giackino spoke on the spring tour to Grand Marais via H58. We will meet at Don’s house at 8:30 a.m. and leave at 9:00 a.m. June 8th. A backup date of June 9th was chosen. Don lives at 444 Lakewood Lane. From the intersection of US41 & M28, go approximately 1 mile east on M28 and take the first left after going under the railroad overpass. This is Superior St. Take Superior until it intersects with Lakewood Lane. Don lives at this corner. Don’s phone number is (906) 458-7796. We have reservations to eat at the Grand Marais Tavern, which is 86 miles from Don’s home. John Westerlinen told his story of blowing the rear end on his A. Luckily he was close to home. Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:50 by Jim Maki with a second by Dennis Sippola. Motion carried. Next meeting is May 28th with location TBD.
March 26, 2019
3/26/19Superior A’s March Meeting Minutes “Model A” Johnson opened the meeting at 6:16 with about 36 members present. There were two Model A’s in the parking lot at the Iron Industry Museum with lots of snow surrounding it. Bill Carlson read the January meeting minutes. (There was no meeting held in February due to illness.) The treasurer’s report was given and the internal audit was discussed. Correspondence: None Old Business:A spring tour to Grand Marais via H58 out of Munising was discussed. Don Giackino volunteered to make contacts regarding restaurants. This tour would take place after the snow melts, as H58 is a seasonal road and not plowed during the winter. Other tour ideas are welcome and can be discussed. New Business:Jim Penrose brought up giving the Iron Industry Museum a $50.00 donation to put towards coffee, since they stay open late and supply the coffee for our meetings. After discussion, Jim Sicotte made a motion which was seconded by Dick Lutey to donate this money to the museum. (At the end of the meeting Treasurer Penrose wrote and presented this check to museum staff.)
February 2019 -- Meeting canceled
January 29, 2019
Superior A’s Meeting MinutesModel A Johnson opened the meeting at 6:00 with about 27 members in attendance. Steve had two family members pass recently.Minutes: They were not read.Correspondence: noneTreasurer’s report: The books are being audited. The dues are being collected.
The price of stamps went up to $.55. A motion was made to accept the report by JimPenrose with a second by Art G., motion carried.Old/New Business• The club is looking for spring Tour ideas.• The Club banquet will be on 4/13/19.• Jim P. Made a motion to give Cliffs Shaft Museum $100.00 to help defray costs, this was seconded by Joe S, motion carried.Frank O. had some rebuilt carbs for sale and to look at.A motion was made to adjourn at 6:18, motion carried.